The MASTER IS COMING (Part 3 - Be Diligent in Potiphar's House)

Yesterday we looked at possible reasons for delay. Today we start to explore what to do while waiting for the Master.

1. Be diligent in Potiphar’s house. What is Potiphar’s house? To fully understand what Potiphar’s house represents, let’s examine the life of young Joseph. Joseph was born into generational wealth. His father could easily be on the Forbes 50 richest men in the world if he lived in this time. His grandpa & great grandpa were the envy of nations (Gen26:14). The bible described Jacob as exceedingly prosperous (Gen 30:43). What more he was his father favourite, so it safe to assume he had it all and only known comfort all his life (Gen37:3)

Suddenly, for reasons which were not his making, he ends up in the house of the palace chief security officer in a foreign land as a SLAVE. If anyone ever had a reason to complain and moan, it was Joseph. To add to his pain, he was screwed up by family. How low could it get you wonder? Maybe only death could have felt worse than what Joseph experienced at that moment. I dare say there are people who would have preferred death at that point.  

But somewhere along the line Joseph looked past his situation and began to do his work exceptionally well that the owner of the house noticed him. I doubt if Joseph was noticed on his first day or even first year, but it did not matter, eventually his diligence paid off and he was ‘promoted’ yet still among the slaves.

I know this is easier said than done, but one lesson we can learn from this is that we need to make best of the current situation no matter how lowly it may appear. What represents Potiphar’s house in your life today? No matter how gloomy and unfair it may seem, we still need to put in our best. God expects that we will still be diligent and faithful even in little things.                                                                         .

May God help us in Jesus name. 


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