The Master is Coming…

Our Journey on earth will be futile if the master
comes and does not find us worthy. God forbid! We shall not run this race in
vain! It is my prayer that we all make heaven when our journey on this earth
has comes to an end.
Dear God, I thank you for saving our souls. I pray for
everyone reading this, that your grace will be sufficient in us to make heaven.
When you come with your winnowing fork, may we be counted amongst the wheat (Math3:21), in Jesus name! Amen! I pray for anyone reading this article who is yet to yield his or her life to you, I pray that you
will save their souls today in Jesus name.
Remain Blessed
NB: The promise and assurance
contained in this message is reserved for the children of The Most High God.
However, the good news is that adoption into this family is open to as many as
will believe and accept Jesus as their Lord and savior.
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