THE MASTER IS COMING - (part 2 - why is the Master delayed?)

In the introductory session, I shared the path that lead me to this journey. Today, I want us to explore reasons why the Master may appear delayed. One obvious reason why miracles can be delayed is sin but that is not our focus for this lesson. Let us examine three possible reasons as we look at examples of those who had to wait in the bible;

1.       Demonic hindrance. God answered Daniel prayers the day he prayed but the answer   was delayed. The prince of Persia withheld the angel bringing his answer for 21days until God sent angel Michael to the rescue (Dan10:13).

2.    The time is not right: There is a time for every purpose under the sun. The Lord can make a promise but we need to wait till the appointed time. In other instances, there may be lessons to learn, as in the case of Joseph. Joseph learnt some leadership lessons in Potiphar’s house and prison (Gen39). Another example is David who was anointed king over Israel several years before he got to the throne. David did not lose hope that God’s promise will come to pass.

3.    For God to be glorified: When Jesus heard Lazarus was sick He (Jesus) stayed two days longer so that God may be glorified (John11:4). When I was younger I wondered why God had allowed Daniel to be thrown into the lion den in the first place. I felt God could have spared him the pain & worry by doing something to stop the process. But who knows what would have happened as the journey of Daniel in the lion den led to pagan King declaring there is no God like Daniel’s God.  

I pray that whenever we experience delay, God will open our eyes to the cause and guide us accordingly.

Next we will be looking at what to do while waiting for the Master even as we continue to pray. For the first part, we will explore the life of Joseph who had to wait for years for a fulfilment of a vision when God showed him in his youth…


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