MASTER IS COMING... (part 7 - Lessons from Lazarus' sisters)

Thanks to all who followed me on this journey thus far. I appreciate the time spent reading through all seven articles and hope you have been blessed. It is my prayers that we will all fulfill destiny in Jesus name. As I conclude on what to do while waiting for the master I will like us to learn a few lessons from the life of Mary & Martha, the sisters of Lazarus (John11).

a)    Keep Positive & Keep Faith.  When Martha saw Jesus, the first thing she said to him was “if you were here my brother would not have died”. Initially I read this as an accusation, as though Jesus being delayed caused her brother’s death. However, reading through the rest of the conversation it became clear it was not accusation, but an acknowledgement of His power over death. She was so sure of His powers that she declared “But even now I know that God would give you whatever you ask” (John11:21-22). She believed that even though Jesus may have been delayed, now that He is in the scene anything was still possible.

b)    Be ready to ‘Roll away the stone’.  Sometimes when we get to the edge of our miracle, the Lord may ask that we role away the stone. The stone could represent the barriers between you and your miracle which you have placed. It was placed there because it was the logical thing to do but now it is a barrier. I don’t know what represents ‘stone’ in your situation but I pray that we will recognize and be obedient to roll away the stone.

Remain Blessed

NB: The promise and assurance contained in this message is reserved for the children of The Most High God. However, the good news is that adoption into this family is open to as many as will believe and accept Jesus as their Lord and savior.


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