
Showing posts from June, 2017

The Master is Coming…

Dear friends, we cannot close this series without a reminder to all of us, that indeed we are awaiting the Masters returns. Jesus is coming back for His own. The bible tells us that Kingdom of God is like a master who goes on a long Journey and kept his slaves in charge. Jesus admonishes us to keep watch as we do not know when the hour he will come. (Mark13:33- 36) . May the Jesus find you & I awake when he returns. AMEN! Our Journey on earth will be futile if the master comes and does not find us worthy. God forbid! We shall not run this race in vain! It is my prayer that we all make heaven when our journey on this earth has comes to an end. Dear God, I thank you for saving our souls. I pray for everyone reading this, that your grace will be sufficient in us to make heaven. When you come with your winnowing fork, may we be counted amongst the wheat (Math3:21) , in Jesus name! Amen! I pray for anyone reading this article who is yet to yield his or her life to you, I pray ...

MASTER IS COMING... (part 7 - Lessons from Lazarus' sisters)

T hanks to all who followed me on this journey thus far. I appreciate the time spent reading through all seven articles and hope you have been blessed. It is my prayers that we will all fulfill destiny in Jesus name. As I conclude on what to do while waiting for the master I will like us to learn a few lessons from the life of Mary & Martha, the sisters of Lazarus (John11). a)     Keep Positive & Keep Faith .  When Martha saw Jesus, the first thing she said to him was “if you were here my brother would not have died”. Initially I read this as an accusation, as though Jesus being delayed caused her brother’s death. However, reading through the rest of the conversation it became clear it was not accusation, but an acknowledgement of His power over death. She was so sure of His powers that she declared “But even now I know that God would give you whatever you ask” (John11:21-22). She believed that even though Jesus may have been delayed, now that He is ...

The Master is Coming… (Part 6 – Keep your eyes on God)

I was in a seminar some years back and the speaker was talking to us about perspective. She shared a personal example on how a little perspective changed her outlook. She always considered commercial bus drivers ‘crazy’ due to how they drive and always made a point to ‘teach them a lesson’ if they crossed her path. One day, she was lamenting to her boss how crazy these drivers are, while sharing her experience that morning. Her boss listened quietly till she was done. His response to her was “if your children’s meal tonight and their education depended on how many trips you made on the highway in a day, would you honestly be very patient on the road”. She reflected on the question for a while and knew she could not honestly say yes. From that day, her perspective changed. While she does not agree with the crazy driving, she is now more sympathetic. David had a good chance to kill King Saul, but he did not. Saul had made attempts on David’s life on several occasions for no ju...

The Master is Coming... (Part 5 - If you end in prison let it be on God's terms)

I love fairy tales and happy endings J . Growing up I loved Walt Disney interpretations of fairy tales’ classics so much that I dream of working there when I grow up. Now I am wiser and know that my skills are for movie watching and not movie making J . As children of God happy endings is our privilege too (Rom 8:28) but sometimes the path there is rough. Do not despair friends, God has promised to go before us to make the croaked way straight (Isa 45:2) . The journey to happy ending may take one through a 'prison'.  A prison in this context is a place worse than a bad place. Joseph did the right thing by not sinning against God, but unfortunately it ended him in prison. Before you go thinking that maybe Joseph could have avoided the prison, think again. The day of reckoning always comes and he would have ended in prison anyway or worse still missed the purpose for his life. One key difference is that he got there on God’s term and not his own terms T he prison bro...

The Master is Coming… (Part 4 – Do not dwell in Potiphar’s house)

I started to watch a movie on ROK TV some days ago. A young lady desperate for a job got a job. She was late on all her bills so much so that her landlord was threatening to kick her out. So, you can imagine she was excited to get any job. However, her manager picked interest in her and made some sexual advances. Whilst she was not interested and pleaded with him not to, in the end she succumbed for the fear of becoming jobless again. And that started a process of her manager making advances whenever he wanted. She felt that giving into his advances will secure her future, it did for a while but in the end, as always it backfired. While we need to be diligent in Potiphar’s and this diligence may earn us a promotion, let’s not plan to dwell in Potiphar’s house forever or at all cost. The truth is the enemy will offer tempting alternatives, typically requiring a ‘little’ compromise. God will provide the strength to resist if we keep our eyes on him (2 Cor 12:9, 1 Cor 10:13) . ...

The MASTER IS COMING (Part 3 - Be Diligent in Potiphar's House)

Yesterday we looked at possible reasons for delay. Today we start to explore what to do while waiting for the Master. 1. B e diligent in Potiphar’s house . What is Potiphar’s house? To fully understand what Potiphar’s house represents, let’s examine the life of young Joseph. Joseph was born into generational wealth. His father could easily be on the Forbes 50 richest men in the world if he lived in this time. His grandpa & great grandpa were the envy of nations (Gen26:14) . The bible described Jacob as exceedingly prosperous (Gen 30:43) . What more he was his father favourite, so it safe to assume he had it all and only known comfort all his life (Gen37:3) .  Suddenly, for reasons which were not his making, he ends up in the house of the palace chief security officer in a foreign land as a SLAVE. If anyone ever had a reason to complain and moan, it was Joseph. To add to his pain, he was screwed up by family. How low could it get you wonder? Maybe only death could have ...

THE MASTER IS COMING - (part 2 - why is the Master delayed?)

I n the introductory session, I shared the path that lead me to this journey. Today, I want us to explore reasons why the Master may appear delayed. One obvious reason why miracles can be delayed is sin but that is not our focus for this lesson. Let us examine three possible reasons as we look at examples of those who had to wait in the bible; 1.         Demonic hindrance . God answered Daniel prayers the day he prayed but the answer   was delayed. The prince of Persia withheld the angel bringing his answer for 21days until God sent angel Michael to the rescue (Dan10:13). 2.     The time is not right: There is a time for every purpose under the sun. The Lord can make a promise but we need to wait till the appointed time. In other instances, there may be lessons to learn, as in the case of Joseph. Joseph learnt some leadership lessons in Potiphar’s house and prison (Gen39). Another example is David who was anointed king over Israel severa...

THE MASTER IS COMING SERIES (Part 1 - familar problems)

H ave you ever felt that God was taking a long time to answer a prayer or bring a promise to manifestation? Have you ever started the journey and begin to wonder if you heard God clearly because of contrary experiences? Have you ever felt like screaming at someone whose says to you ‘keeping praying’ because they don’t know how much you prayed? When the word in ‘God’s time’ begins to sound to you as never?  A couple of years back, on a Saturday morning, I was moaning over a situation in my life for which I felt God should have sorted. Despite all the prayers and fasting, it felt as though things were getting worse instead of better. I was so sad I decided not to go to church the next day. What was the point! The next morning however I had a change of heart and decided to go to a parish of my church close to my house. In my mind, I wanted to go to a new place and avoid dealing with anyone I knew but little did I know that God had a different plan. Service was great from when...