
Showing posts from 2014


I wish I really knew what awaits at the end of each path Have you ever wondered how many decisions you make in a typical day? Have you ever wondered how many of those decisions were the right ones? How many were wrong? Are there decisions you wish you never made till this day? What was the best decision you ever made? I can hear some of you already saying, it is only Uche that will bother to analyze such, but indulge me and read on. J As my curiosity mounted, I decided to find some answers on Google. It is not surprising that there are many different opinions on this topic including scientific researches, however while they could not all agree a number; most of them agree that we make at least 500 decisions a day? Yes 500 decisions!!! That is, we choose between alternatives at least 500 times a day! Now imagine that only 10% of your decisions are wrong, I think that is still a lot. Interestingly, about the same time I was pondering on the word choices especia...

God's Leadership Academy

illustration - Joseph interpreting the Butler dream while the Baker looks on When my sister in law got married, my daughter was chosen as the little bride – a role she was very proud to perform. However, there was one little problem; I had not been able to convince her on why her aunty was getting married especially as this meant that her aunty was going to move out of our house. Eventually, I came up with an answer that yours truly believed was a very good one. She is getting married to become a mommy just like me, after all, how was I to explain the concept that boy meets girl and they fall in love and get married? The last I tried explaining the boy/girl love thing when she was younger, I simply failed. I tried to keep it simple by saying words to the effect that mummy and daddy are husband and wife because they love each other but I did not quite hit it because, she smiled, and then told me she had a great idea “I love my baby brother, so he will be my husband and I will be ...


Y esterday, on my way home from work, I was listening to the popular radio show “Sharing Life Issues with Chaz B” and one of his co host made a comment that stuck with me the whole journey home. He was asking the question, how are we as individuals are investing in our friendships that will be our strength during adversity. He took his inspiration from the story in Mark 2 of what I once heard a preacher call four crazy friends. I am sure most of us know the story of the paralytic whose four friends did all they could to bring him to the presence of Jesus. They must have heard that Jesus the healer was in town and they tried to hurry to get him there in good time. You can imagine their disappointment on getting there it was packed full with people and there was no way in. They had 2 choices to give up or to press on; at that point it will have been acceptable to tell him (the paralytic) that they had tried, after all we brought you here. Instead they choose to climb the roof with...


He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High, shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty, I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress; My God in whom I trust… Ps91:1-2 It was not until I heard our nanny calling out “come here, it is time to take your bath” did I realize what was going on. A few seconds before my son ran into the bedroom, shut the door so quickly and loudly, ran to his father’s side as thou he was been chased by a 100 angry dogs. Interestingly, once he sat next to his father, he wore a big grin as someone who had won a lottery.  He almost had the look of you can’t catch me or as I now realized “ You dare not come here and get me ”, I am safe in daddy’s arm. After 2 or 3 calls from outside the door, the nanny must have given up as I did not hear her call again. For some reason, I choose not to take him outside back as I would normally do - which is why he probably ran to daddy in the first place and not to me J . What I did not know ...

Who can you compare to our God?

Children are a heritage from the lord and the fruit of the womb his reward (Ps127: 3). I believe these words concerning the children God has blessed me with, for which my heart thank him daily. One of the joys of having them is how I have come to understand some biblical truth just from their childlike actions, truth I may never have fully understood beforehand. One of those truth is around Who can I compare with my God? I am sure there is no need to emphasis that as with most 5 year old girls, my daughter believes her dad is everything, almost placing him at a near super human status. There is really nothing new or surprising about that. What still gets to me sometimes is how she expresses or vocalizes this believe but then, I learn every day. For example, one day while we were having our usual mother-daughter chit chat, she told me, almost as thou a question, “my daddy is the strongest person so he is stronger than a lion”. (Sweetheart you know I believe you are the beste...