on my way home from work, I was listening to the popular radio show “Sharing Life
Issues with Chaz B” and one of his co host made a comment that stuck with me
the whole journey home. He was asking the question, how are we as individuals
are investing in our friendships that will be our strength during adversity. He
took his inspiration from the story in Mark 2 of what I once heard a preacher
call four crazy friends.
am sure most of us know the story of the paralytic whose four friends did all
they could to bring him to the presence of Jesus. They must have heard that
Jesus the healer was in town and they tried to hurry to get him there in good
time. You can imagine their disappointment on getting there it was packed full
with people and there was no way in. They had 2 choices to give up or to press
on; at that point it will have been acceptable to tell him (the paralytic) that
they had tried, after all we brought you here. Instead they choose to climb the
roof with a full grown man, broke through someone’s roof to get their friend to
Jesus’ feet for him to receive his healing. What amazing friends? Yes, but also
one can only wonder what kind of friend was he (the paralytic)? All four would
not have continued to push if he had not invested in the friendship when he
I am focusing more on my own crazy friends that I have had in life. I am using
the word ‘crazy’ & ‘friends’ loosely here to represent people who have had
impact in my life in ways only people who truly care about you could especially
when they had nothing to gain in return.
These people have done things which looking back had major positive
impact on me, some of whom moved on before I ever got a chance to thank them or
before advent of mobile phonesJ. I will like to say Thank You. Friends that seem to have gone in
distance memory and are only remembered every birthday or other special
occasions. As painful as it is, I have learnt that sometimes people are in our
lives for a season and when that season is over they need to move on, I am just
one of those who struggle to come to terms with that reality.
I close I will like to celebrate 3 people who made my ‘crazy friends’ list. I
am sure that there are so many others, but my heart specially wants to thank
and remember fondly;
Ella Rita – one of the best friends I ever
had, probably ever will have. I know that we do connect every once in a blue
moon but time and life has made it even more difficult to connect. Amongst
other things every year when my wedding anniversary draws near, I always
remember you and the wise words you always had. Did you know that I almost
thought my husband – then boyfriend – paid you to be his advocate J
Prof. Sirisena – a lecturer in my
university days. Now I know all she wanted was the best for me academically and
spiritually, but then I thought she was just been a pain “” wanting me to do a
specific project and even more importantly inviting me to “fellowship that I
may truly know Christ”.
Maryanne Okwusilieze – my dear home
economics teacher in secondary school. It been more than 12 years I heard from
you or about you, but I always remember you with fun memories. I truly hope
that we get a chance to see and talk on this side of eternity.
There is a
friend that sticks better than a brother, take a min to celebrate and thank God
for the life of those people from the past who have impacted your life
positively and if you still can reach them send them an email, call or visit
just to say thank you. But even most importantly remember the best friend you
can ever have – Jesus Christ. Have you invited him to your life?
Thank you so much for sharing such an inspiring blog. After reading it I was so blessed and just went through my memory lane to pick my Crazy/Fantastic Four; as follows:
ReplyDelete1. Moloko Kgare - she was my English teacher at high school. My high school is based in the rural area therefore all subjects are taught in native language including English. When I arrived in Gr 11 she insisted that no one will use native languange in her class. She would be very crossed if she found you speaking in native language even during the break. This helped me a great deal. My fluency is English is all credited to her.
2. Ngoako Letsoalo - A friend and brother I met on university campus few weeks in my year one. I was running to an test room and needed a calculator. Randomly I asked him without knowing each other. He gave me his calculator and we hadn't agreed on where to meet after my test and no number to call him. It took me about 4 days until I ran into him. On that day we had a meal together and he introduced me Student Christian Organization. Since then my spiritual life was never the same. I became the SCO leader, later SRC leader, and today I am a Pastor.
3. Pastor Mathebula - I met this man of God and my life was transformed. He taught me servanthood, humilty and excellence. These three changed me into a better child of God, better husband, better father and a better colleague. My view of leadership has been redefined and for that I will impact even more lives around me.
4. Jesus Christ - The Prince of Peace, The Lion of the Tribe of Judah, The Soon Coming King, The Centre of My Life, The Rose of Sharon, and The Hope of All Glory. Since the day you knocked at the door of my heart my life was never the same. I am because you are in my life.
God bless you all and remember without Jesus Christ; the Giver of Life - then there is no life.
Thanks for sharing Percy. We thank God for all the people he used to touch our lives at one time or the other. And i am sure that you are making some else's crazy/fantastic list today. :-)