God has got your back.


Are you feeling unsure about the next step or what God is calling you into? Are you faced with an assignment you feel so unqualified for? Not having the courage to step out - a new job, ministry appointment, an upcoming relocation, new parents?

You were at the point when you felt life was going all well. You are enjoying contributing your part behind the scenes and all of a sudden you are thrown into the front of it all.

You begin to question yourself and God. The only thought in your head is, I can't do this, not me Lord. God, I am sorry  you got the wrong man this time.

You are not alone. Joshua - the Sun stopping warrior -  must have felt same when the mantle of leadership of Israel fell on him.  Recall that Joshua was one of the 2 spies who believed Israel could posses the land even when others reported otherwise.  He had demonstrated faith and boldness before but taking over from Moses was another level of scary.

Joshua has seen Moses do the job, it was tough, plagues, parting the red sea, days unending on the mountain, praying for the ever annoying Israelite. Moses was a great leader, little wonder Joshua felt inadequate for the task.

God told him be strong and courageous, as I was with Moses, I will be with you.  God had to say this multiple times too, probably because Joshua needed to hear it that many times.

God is saying same to you. Be strong and courageous for I am with you. I have got your back and front on this. I am your strength. I say it again, be strong and courageous.

Remain blessed.


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