My God sent his angel, and he shut the mouths of the lions. They have not hurt me…
Daniel 6:22

A sister shared a testimony at church today that blew my mind. It was a reminder that we have a Father who is in control of ALL things and who loves us so much that He suspends laws and protocol to deliver us.
The testimony goes like this. On her way back from work she stopped over at the market. When she was done shopping, she got into her car. The car started but the gear would not engage. As much as she tried, it didn’t. She was understandably upset about this as nothing was wrong with the car previously and it was already past 7pm. Finally, she decided to open the bonnet even though she was clueless about cars and was secretly hoping someone would be kind enough to help her figure what to do. As she got out of the car, she saw a little girl of about 4 years standing by the car looking confused. She asked her what the matter was and she said, my little brother is under your car. Yes, you read right a child was under the car all the while she was trying to move the car. Now to the part that makes it even more awesome. The child crawls out and after all the commotion, she gets into the car, starts the engine and the gear engages. Nothing was wrong with the car anymore and she drove home.
I dare anyone to tell me this is a mere coincidence. I began to imagine an angel pressing down a button so the car doesn’t move and letting go once all obstacles were cleared. Listening to the testimony gave me goose bumps as one can only imagine what would have become of her if she was able to drive the car at first try.  
Is it not amazing to know we have a Father who is able to do all things, knows all things and most importantly whose got our back? Our God is the great deliverer. This reminds me of the story of Daniel.  When men conspired to have Daniel thrown in the lion’s den, they did not bargain for God’s ability to deliver him (Daniel 6).
It is my prayer that God will always deliver us in the day of trouble especially those we don’t even know but are waiting to consume us.
Remain Blessed


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