
Showing posts from 2018


My God sent his angel, and he shut the mouths of the lions. They have not hurt me… Daniel 6:22 A sister shared a testimony at church today that blew my mind. It was a reminder that we have a Father who is in control of ALL things and who loves us so much that He suspends laws and protocol to deliver us. The testimony goes like this. On her way back from work she stopped over at the market. When she was done shopping, she got into her car. The car started but the gear would not engage. As much as she tried, it didn’t. She was understandably upset about this as nothing was wrong with the car previously and it was already past 7pm. Finally, she decided to open the bonnet even though she was clueless about cars and was secretly hoping someone would be kind enough to help her figure what to do. As she got out of the car, she saw a little girl of about 4 years standing by the car looking confused. She asked her what the matter was and she said, my little brother is ...

The Cost of Ignorance

Therefore, my people are gone into captivity, because [they have] no knowledge: and their honourable men [are] famished, and their multitude dried up with thirst (Isiaih5:13). An incident occurred recently that taught me a lesson on the potential cost of ignorance, bringing the above bible passage to life. We all know this popular saying, " Ignorance is Bliss". Well I don’t know about that, but I will add ‘do you know the cost of that bliss’? The other day my son told me about the ‘deal’ he made with his aunt. He traded part of his TV time and got noodles for dinner. Shock does not even begin to describe what I felt. I was shocked, not just because it sounded ridiculous but HE DID NOT HAVE TO. The truth was he was going to get noodles for dinner anyway. Twenty min earlier, I had concluded dinner plans and he was getting noodles. He traded his precious TV time for noodles which he would have received anyway, because of ignorance.  Dear friends, are you trading your ...


A gift of life, like a drop of dew. A gift from God, we say thank you - Seyi Ajo. Today I will be sharing a poem my daughter wrote several months back (she didn’t like me sharing anything she wrote, so I am sure she won’t be too pleased, but again who is telling 😊 ). This had always been my favorite and I truly believed she was inspired just to “teach” me gratitude. I hope you feel the same way. It came to mind recently after I read a post online that touched me deeply. The post goes “help me thank God, we found a bed for him (her brother) in LASUTH”. She was truly grateful for a hospital bed! That touched something in me as I am reminded of things I take for granted, things I don’t want in my life that others call a miracle. The poem goes A Gift of Life A gift to walk, a gift to run A gift to jump under the sun A gift to talk, a gift to sing A gift to dance with a wing A gift to cook, a gift to eat A gift to have a meal with meat A gift to see, a gift to re...

Lessons from the Parable of the Talent?

Happy New Year friends. It is already half of the first month of 2018😊 . May I ask, how are you holding up compared to your new year resolutions/goals/targets? On a second thought, I won’t ask, so that I don’t have to answer too😊 Back to the topic at hand😊 . I will like to share some insights I recently gained from the parable of the talents. I believe we are all familiar with this passage, but just in case you need a refresher, you can read the account Mathew 25:14 - 30 God has an ACCURATE estimation of our ability (vs15) and gives us talents accordingly . To put it differently, if you have got a talent, then you can fully leverage that talent and deliver good returns. The Bible tells us that before God formed in us in our mother’s womb, He knew us (Jer29:11) . Stop measuring yourself by the standard of men and saying I fall short. Saul was physically bigger than David. Imagine if David said to himself, if Saul can’t face Goliath, then I don’t stand a chance. Measure...