When you go through and are not consumed. That in its self is victory - Uche Ajo.

I believe that of all things man can possess, outside the knowledge of Christ, HOPE is the most important. I am not talking about just wishful thinking but an expectation of good or something positive now or in future. It is a fact that trials and temptation is a way of life. We cannot escape it. Jesus said when (and not if) we pass through diverse temptations He will be with us. Thankfully, He also promised that we will not be tempted beyond our capacity to bear.
Why is hope the most important? It is because the expectation of good helps us ride through the storm easier. Interestingly, it does not change the situation but affects how we navigate through and the choices we make. Seeing the light at the end of the tunnel gives us strength to finish the journey. The Igbos have a saying which translates to “If you are hungry and there is assurance of getting food soon, that hunger cannot kill you”.
It is for this reason, that the experience Mr. A went through and came out stronger made Mr. B take his life. It is easy to read the story of a lady who committed suicide because her fiancé jilted her and say “is it just because of a man”? The truth is NO, it is not because she lost a man, but because she lost hope. The enemy convinced her to give up her hope when the man went away. I pray that will not be our story in Jesus name. Amen.
For everyone who is going through what men will call a ‘hopeless’ situation. I pray that you do not lose your hope. It is my prayer that God who can make those dry bones rise again will reverse the situation and change the circumstance for our good.  
Remember even if Jesus comes four days later. He is still on time.

Be blessed in Jesus name


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