The other day our teen church presented a short play during Sunday service. In summary, a man ‘invited’ God for a meal and God promised to come. The man went home excited and told everyone who cared to listen God was coming to his house for a meal tomorrow. On the day, he prepared a spread fit for a king and waited eagerly for God’s arrival. He waited and waited, but 'God' did not come. His family mocked him but he still kept faith that God is coming. As evening approached a beggar came to the door begging for food, but he drove the beggar away because the only food he had was meant for God.  

The next day he went to his pastor disappointed. He said ‘God did not come as He promised, can you imagine only a beggar came to my house yesterday’. The pastor shook his head and said God came as the hungry beggar but you drove Him away (Mathew 25:45). The man wept but it was too late. He did not recognize the opportunity before him because it did not have the ‘packaging’ he expected. He didn't recognize God even thou he was expecting him.

While watching the play, I remembered the story of the mad man of Gadara (Mark5:1-15). Years ago when I was reading that story, my attention was drawn away from the mad man to the people of Gadara and I was intrigued. The bible records that Jesus went about doing good, healing the sick and ALL that were oppressed of the devil (Act10:38, Mathew 9:35). Jesus arrived at the region of Gadara but could not ‘do good’ because the people asked him to leave.

They were probably overwhelmed by the loss of the herd or how much change they saw in the man that they could not recognize ‘the good’ standing before them. I kept imagining how many more demons could have been cast out of people, or how many people would have been healed of their diseases, if only they let Jesus stay. What missed opportunity? At the end Jesus entered the boat and left the way he came with all the ‘good’ he could have done in Gadara (Mark5:15).

Dear friends, do you turn away from ‘good’ just because it does not have the packaging or appearance you expect? You probably thinking I will never not recognize Jesus. What can I say? Just remember the people of Gadara before you make that decision, and pray that you walk continuously in the leading of the Holy Spirit.

Lastly before I sign off let me share a personal experience. Years ago when I first became a Christian, I always wished that a particular pastor preached every Sunday in church. She was and is still simply amazing so you can’t blame me:-). If she wasn’t the person preaching I will tune off and sure enough I almost never got blessed. On this particular Sunday as another pastor was climbing the pulpit to preach I started to tune off again until I heard clearly, “Who are you to choose the vessel I will speak to you through”. I have since learnt that the vessel is not mine to choose but once I am in a bible believing church, it an opportunity to hear from God and it my job to pay attention to what God has to say to me.

Remain blessed 


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