‘For he says to Moses, I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion’ (Romans 9:15).

Airports can be a very interesting place to be. This is true especially if you are traveling alone, and you have to stand on the queues or wait around the airport for a connecting flight, you are forced to notice the happenings around you even if you didn’t want to. The scene usually varies from happy-looking families with children playing around, making you miss home to the couple that may need some privacy and everything in between. Or as was in the case during my last trip, a real life illustration of some life principles.

Before I continue, let me digress a little as I can’t talk about airports without mentioning my observations on how very well organized and ‘behaved’ we can be as Nigerians once we arrive at airports outside Nigeria. I have wondered and concluded that there must be something in the oxygen that causes the different behavioral pattern and I refuse to be convinced otherwise.  

So back to the lesson from my last trip:-). When we got the immigration check, there was only one counter open and the queue was long. I probably was about the 50th person on the queue (and yes I counted, like I said nothing much to do on queues when travelling alone:-)). However, a short while later, another immigration officer came to the line, went to about the 35th person on our line and directed him and those behind him to form a new queue in front of a different counter.

In an instant, this individual went from been 35th person to the 1st person on a new queue. Interestingly, other people behind him had to move up and yours truly got bumped up to 15th position too. The number 34 became the last on the old queue and number 35th became first on the new queue and got attended to much faster. It did not seem fair, but that was reality. God can pick you up and move you forward ahead of those who were before you.

What did I learn from this? That it is not of him that runneth (getting to immigration desk faster:-)) but of the Lord that showeth mercy (Roman 9:16)J

Do you know that God can cause a change in policy just to favour you? Do you know you can benefit because God has shown favour to someone around you? I always find it interesting that the widow of Zaraphet talked of she and her son when she first meet the prophet Elijah, but when the jar of flour did not finish, the bible talked about her household (I kings 17:7 -16). There were those who had food to eat in the famine, just because they were connected to the widow and they benefitted from God’s favour on her life.

May we find favour with God this season in Jesus name. Amen!!!

Remain blessed

NB: The promise and assurance contained in this message is reserved for the children of The Most High God. However, the good news is that adoption into this family is open to as many as will believe and accept Jesus as their Lord and savior.


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