What audacity?

T he other day, my son came to the room and asked for extra pancake (he had eaten his breakfast but he just wanted some more). Without looking up, I said ask your aunty to give you some, to which he replied I told her but she said NO. I looked up and said to him, tell her MUMMY said she should give you pancake. I had barely finished speaking when he dashed out and starting yelling, “aunty E, mummy said you should give me pancake”… and of course he got the pancake. Shortly after the incident, our pastor was preaching in church and we were reading the story of Elijah and the window of Zarephath (I kings 17:7 -16 ) . As we read along, I heard myself saying what audacity? I wondered, what gave Elijah the boldness to look at the widow and ask for her last meal? Did he not hear what she just said, it was her last meal? Almost immediately my eyes went back to verse9 where God had told Elijah “I have commanded the widow of Zarephath to feed you”. Interestingly, I remembered the pancak...