The other day, I watched a very nice poetic presentation by my daughter’s class titled “Where is my hairy toe”. It was a very beautiful and fulfilling experience for me. Yes, my daughter was part of the presentation, so I may have been wearing rose colored glasses, but beyond that, the events that led up to that moment also impacted my experience. It was a firm reminder that our God is a way maker.  

The week before the presentation, my daughter mentioned her class was learning a new poem for school presentation. All the pupils in her class will participate in reciting the poem but only 2 people are to ‘act’ during the presentation. The teacher was yet to choose the only female character and my daughter hoped she will be chosen. I did not realize how badly she wanted to play that role until during night prayers on Sunday when she prayed passionately to be chosen. So you can imagine my anxiety when I returned from work on Monday and the first thing she told me was someone else was chosen for that role. I was faced with the task of answering the questions in her 7 year old mind. I could hear the disappointment and sadness in her voice when she asked me ‘’ but mummy I prayed, why did God not answer”. I had to explain to her that sometimes we don’t get answers we want because God has other plans for us. As a way to console her, I told her that maybe your teacher did not chose her because you are good at remembering your lines and she wants you to be part of those that recite the poem. I also reassured her that other opportunities will come up in future. Mother’s sometimes have a difficult jobJ.

The next day, I had to pick them up from school. We had barely entered the car when she blotted out, “mummy you won’t believe what happened in school today”. Without waiting for me to respond, she went on to say… today we had to rehearse for the presentation. When we finished, my teacher said ‘hmmm... the ending is too boring’, I need to change it a bit. The teacher decided to introduce another character - a daughter and guess what I was chosen to be the daughter. She got a role in the presentation and also got to recite the poem. This is a wonderful miracle (her words). I was speechless!!!

So you can understand why watching her perform was a fulfilling experience. It is a reminder that God can do all things. Even when all hope seems lost, if we hold on, He does make a way where there seem to be No way. He is still the same God who parted the Red Sea (Ex.14). There is no case that is hopeless with him, after all Lazarus was dead 4 days before he showed up and even that was not too late (Jn11).

Dear friend, are you feeling a situation is completely hopeless. Don’t give up, even at the 11th hour, God can still show up and make a way. He can turn the hearts of kings to your favour (Prov21:1). Don’t give up, keep trusting and obeying him. Even if He needs to rewrite the scripts, just to get you a part in the play, He is more than able to do that. There is nothing too difficult for him. 

Remain Blessed. 


  1. Father ,help my in believe and help me to stay focus to your promises

  2. This is so lovely! Our God is faithful and able to make a way when we let go and let God. Father help us to let go and let You do what only You can do.

  3. Thank you ma. You are spot on, letting go is the key step and most of us struggle with this.

  4. Lovely. I read somewhere that when you do not know what God is doing, just know the God that is at work. He perfects all that concerns His own.


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