
Some months ago on a particular Sunday in church, I noticed the outfit a young lady, who I will call Ms. X, was wearing and felt as though this was the same outfit she has been wearing the last few times I saw her. For those that know me well, it was an unusual experience for me, as it is a struggle for me to remember what I wore to church by the next Sunday, let alone take note of what others wore. Interestingly, for this young lady, we had reasons to see on the average twice a week for over a month and I suddenly felt as though I always saw her wearing the same outfit. Almost immediately while I was still reflecting on it, I heard clearly in my Spirit, you need to purchase an outfit for Ms. X. I debated this thought in my mind, keeping in mind my bank account balance at the time and all the other expenses I had lined up. After a couple of days, I guess you say I crossed the first huddle, I decided I will buy her an outfit. While the idea was interesting, I was not sure how the logistics will work.

So every Sunday after that, I will come up with a new plan on how best to go about this, my ideas ranged from just give her cash, to get a tailor to measure, do some sort of Secret Santa game, all the way to maybe just guess her size and change her entire wardrobe when I have the funds to do that. Nice ideas and plans, the only thing I did not do was the one thing I was supposed to do – get an outfit for Ms. X. I must have spent 3 – 4 Sundays making these beautiful plans, subsequently forgetting them during the week, being reminded again on Sunday. So while I was still dreaming of a plan I saw Ms. X on a Saturday in a beautiful new outfit, and again on Sunday with another new outfit. Initially I was happy for her until I heard in my spirit, I found someone else to do my bidding. As I type this I still remember the feeling of complete disappointment and realization that I have been ’replaced’ to compete this assignment. I have since asked my Father for forgiveness over this error and I believe I have been forgiven. I am writing this to share with you lessons I learnt from the experience.

1.   If God chooses you to complete an assignment for him, keep in mind it is a privilege. It is because He chose you amongst the many other people He could have asked. We get so used to God that we often forget that He does have alternatives. We need to remember that no matter what exploits we do for God, we are replaceable. The Bible is full of accounts of people being replaced, for example Saul was replaced by David (1Sam16), Samuel replaced the family of Eli (1Sam3).  
2.   The other thing we need to keep in mind is that a lot of times the task is time bound, we have to complete the task in God’s timing, not ours. We always need to remember that ‘intending to do’ and ‘not doing’ is pretty much the same thing until it is done.
3.   When God gives you an assignment, He enables you. One of the things that I learnt was all the time I wasted ‘planning how to do’ could have been more productive if have simply asked God to help me. I could have trusted God to provide the resources I needed.  Maybe I could have reached a conclusion sooner and executed faster.

Dear friends, May you & I not be replaced by another in our God given assignment. May we learn to obey and trust God completely.
Remain blessed

NB: The promise and assurance contained in this message is reserved for the children of The Most High God. However, the good news is that adoption into this family is open to as many as will believe and accept Jesus as their Lord and savior.


  1. Wow! This spoke to me so deeply because there are a couple of things I've been procrastinating on. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thanks for your kind words. I pray for God's guidance as you plan to obey

  2. Thank you for sharing. The part about doing God's bidding in His time rather than ours is a deep and true one.

    I sometimes imagine how Saul would have felt knowing David had been anointed to replace him, or how Eli felt on his death-bed - knowing God picked Samuel to replace His children.

    God help us all to do His bidding, and in a timely manner too!

  3. God is a God of second chance,i think there is still a provision for restitution and this is one big difference between Saul and David,David still go ahead and correct his wrongs even after the event,so you can still go ahead and buy those cloth and now take it to the person with apology.

  4. Abimbola OlufisayoMichael17 September 2015 at 11:09

    Thanks for sharing, I was in this position for a long time, my spouse did not agree with me on it, I kept praying about it and doing all I could do on my own, eventually GOD created a situation that made my spouse agree to it and now i feel very much at peace doing what GOD wanted me to do. The HOLYSPIRIT will always make ways if you are willing to do what HE has told you to do irrespective of any external obstacle. May GOD continue to help us in JESUS name.
    No one will replace us in JESUS' name

    1. Thanks for sharing your story. Yes indeed once we willing and open, God will always enable us.

  5. Wow! May we not be replaced. Its time to put all my intentions and thoughts into action before ...

    Thanks for sharing.

  6. Deep. I've experienced this firsthand.The King's business usually requires haste. Thanks for sharing!

  7. Yes indeed. The Kings business requires haste. Thanks for stopping by.


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