I had a chance to hear someone speak on Mark 16: 1 – 4 recently and the question the women asked in verse 3 "Who will roll the stone away from the entrance of the tomb?" struck me with a new meaning as never before. I learnt a few lessons that day that I want to share with you. Before I share these lessons let us read this beautiful “Easter” story again.

1When the Sabbath was over, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome bought spices so that they might go to anoint Jesus' body. 2Very early on the first day of the week, just after sunrise, they were on their way to the tomb 3and they asked each other, "Who will roll the stone away from the entrance of the tomb?"
4But when they looked up, they saw that the stone, which was very large, had been rolled away
As I mediated on this scripture, I thought to myself these wonderful women knew before they got to their destination and maybe even before they left their houses that there will be a very insurmountable obstacle, but they continued their journey. They did not turn back or give up the dream of anointing the Lord’s body.

What did I learn?                                              
  • Ours is to GO. Whenever the Lord would have you embark on a journey, He will always go with you. Like in every partnership, each partner has his role. In every walk with God, ours is to GO, it is God who will make our way straight (Prov 3:6), He will remove every obstacle that will come our way even the ones we are unaware of. We spend so much time worrying about the things God should be taking care of and as a result not reaching the fullness of God’s plan for our lives. We need to learn from our father Abraham; he left the known and followed the path God took him through, to get to his promise. Sometimes God will tell us the destination, sometimes not (like Abraham), sometimes he will tell the path, sometimes not (like Peter). But it does not matter, what matters is that whenever God says, “child let’s go”, always remember that as His children, Ours is to GO. He will be our guide and lead our feet to the right places (Ps 119:105

  • Ours is to follow God’s Plan whenever: The second thought that came to my mind was that, these women woke up and felt the desire to go to the Lord’s tomb and anoint His body. It seems an important assignment. But when they got there, they got the more important assignment to announce the good news that Christ had risen from the dead. Sometimes God will have you go to a place and only reveal the purpose for your being there after you have reached the destination. We need to be sensitive and flexible to complete the assignment when we get there. Imagine if Philip (Acts 8:26 – 40) did not obey the Lord when he said “go south - to the desert road”, or worse still continued on the journey “south - to the desert” when he meet the Eunuch, how would he have preached the gospel to the Ethiopian eunuch?

Prayer: Dear God, let my heart learn the very important lesson to always trust and obey. I pray I will always focus on my part and not try to do those things only You can do. As I go through life’s journeys, let me always be rest assured that my role is to GO, and that You will make the way straight. Amen

Remain Blessed


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