When Mercy Speaks

Oh my God… my worst nightmare has just come to pass or am I dreaming, yes indeed it is true… I hear their voices… I have been caught… but I thought I was been careful… I am not supposed to be caught… Oh my God… what’s happening… the shame... my family… they can’t stand the shame... God can you hear me now… I will be stoned to death… no one knows my story… no one cares really… the crowd is following and chanting profanity against me… they are justified… after all I was caught in the act… the very act… I deserve the punishment… oh the shame… the humiliation…

I am in the temple waiting for my judgement. The law must hold, nothing or no one can upturn it now. The sooner this is over with, the better and I wish they did not have to take me before the new Rabbi, Jesus, I have heard vaguely about him, the one who works miracles, I truly need a miracle today, but then I don’t deserve one… I was still lost in my thoughts that I did not notice the silence, oh so silent it was deafening, but wait the accusers are walking away…. I thought the Rabbi said he without sin should cast the first stone… Where are they going? Why is no one planning to take me out to stone me? I must be dreaming… they are all gone...

Then he finally speaks…, this Rabbi Jesus…, his voice full of kindness…, the most reassuring voice I have ever heard… He asked where are you accusers, has no man condemned you? As the deadly silence ensued, I heard him say “go and sin no more”. Oh my GOD!!!!! This is unbelievable… indeed, I am free, I have just been saved from death and delivered from my just punishment!!!! Could this Rabbi really do this?

The above is an attempt to tell the story of Woman caught in adultery (John 8:1 – 11) through the eyes of the woman. The facts are, she was caught in the Act of adultery and according to the Law was due to be stoned to death. She must have accepted her fate, or maybe not, I guess we will ever know on this side of eternity.J One thing we know is that her accusers (some Pharisees and Sadducees) had a different intention that day. Their desire to ‘nail’ Jesus overtook them; they could not pass this opportunity to make Jesus ‘look bad’ after all they had a perfect bait – the condemned adulterer. They meant it for evil but God turned it all out for good. By the time the encounter was over, she was forgiven, death sentence was over turned and they could not even do anything about it.

How come she was the one picked to be forgiven after-all women have been stoned for adultery before her and probably many after her? I believe this is because SHE WAS BROUGHT BEFORE JESUS!!!! The difference is Mercy spoke for her on that day, the same mercy that spoke on Calvary tree! Dear friend, Mercy can speak for you today.

The word of God confirms that even the captives of the mighty shall be taken away and prey of the terrible shall be delivered (Isa49:25). Are you going through a situation and you feel that you may have brought this upon yourself? Or you feel that you deserve the pain you are going through? Do you believe your accusers are justified in their actions & verdicts? COME TO JESUS!!!!!! the one who has the power to deliver captives from the mighty….. Seek him and let mercy speak for you today.

Remain Blessed.


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