Y esterday, on my way home from work, I was listening to the popular radio show “Sharing Life Issues with Chaz B” and one of his co host made a comment that stuck with me the whole journey home. He was asking the question, how are we as individuals are investing in our friendships that will be our strength during adversity. He took his inspiration from the story in Mark 2 of what I once heard a preacher call four crazy friends. I am sure most of us know the story of the paralytic whose four friends did all they could to bring him to the presence of Jesus. They must have heard that Jesus the healer was in town and they tried to hurry to get him there in good time. You can imagine their disappointment on getting there it was packed full with people and there was no way in. They had 2 choices to give up or to press on; at that point it will have been acceptable to tell him (the paralytic) that they had tried, after all we brought you here. Instead they choose to climb the roof with...