Because You are my hope

The psalmist says “I look to the hills from where cometh my help … my help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth” (Ps 121). What a great assurance!!! My hope & confidence are from the creator of the heavens and earth.  That is indeed very comforting and reminds me of an Ibo saying which translates to “Hunger that has hope of been fed does not kill”. The human mind is amazing. Seeing the light at the end of the tunnel can keep you going longer than you own strength will.

In case you are wondering where I am going with all this, I was at a baby shower recently and an incident happened that reminded me of a very important lesson that we tend to often forget and I will like to share with you. But first let me share what I call “my baby shower story”

Couple of weeks ago, I attended a baby shower. The mom in question was a first time mom. Everything went on fine and soon it was time to share words of wisdom with the new mom.  You know advice is one thing that human tends to give generously and yours truly was no exception. When it got to my turn, the only thing that came to my mind was to tell her “the answer is YES, you will sleep again”. I sensed the new mom was a bit confused and rightly so because she had not asked me a question. I quickly clarified that I was just answering before she asked as she will hear herself asking “will I ever sleep again” when the baby arrives. My aim was to give her hope in sight, something to look forward to. Somehow I was convinced that when the time came, she would remember my “words of wisdom” and while this would not make the sleepless nights easier, it would definitely give some reassurance that this too will pass and make it more bearable. Every mother or anyone who has been near a new mom will understand what I am saying.

The whole experience got me thinking how much more bearable the challenging times in life could be if you focus on the victory ahead instead of the destructive self pity that we easily get trapped into. It is at those times that we need to remember the “words of wisdom“ we had been told by the great teachers of the bible (our pastors, Sunday school teachers etc). The bible says that we are more than conquerors through Christ who loved us (Rom 8:37). I have decided this verse will be my answer to any situation that gets me asking what I call the “will I ever…” question. 

Now to you, dear reader is there a situation life has thrown at you and you feel like giving in or giving up. Do you hear yourself asking “Will I ever be free from this” or “Will this pain ever go away” or “Will joy ever return to my life” and a countless others like this? My answer to you is YES, God will do it and more. Just focus on your victory and remember all the “words of wisdom” you have heard. Let this be your confession “Dear God, because You are my hope, I know this will pass, I chose to focus on the light at the end of the tunnel which is the victory Christ have won for me. I know that weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning (Ps 30:5). God, please may I ask that while I am waiting for the morning, let me have some rest during the night.

Remain Blessed

NB: The promise and assurance contained in this message is reserved for the children of The Most High God. However, the good news is that adoption into this family is open to as many as will believe and accept Jesus as their Lord and savior.


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