Who says that only mothers teach life lessons to their children? As a mother, I can say I have learnt a lot from my child especially in the area of been a child to my Heavenly Father. One of such lessons is how I could be childish (quite different from been childlike) been a daughter to my heavenly Father. Allow me illustrate with the following example.

One humid and sunny afternoon, my toddler was very uncomfortable. I guessed her discomfort was from the heat. She kept insisting I carry her even though this did not make her feel much better. I was convinced that a warm meal and tepid bath was all she needed. Knowing what she needed was the easy part. Convincing her about it was a different story. She will not let me put her down long enough to run a bath and get her meal ready. After 10mins of trying to “reason” with a now furious toddler – please don’t ask me why I ever bother to do that - to see the benefits of my proposal, I decided to use my mummy veto. I had long decided that mummy is entitled to at least 10 vetoes in an hour… how else can mothers pull through a dayJ.

Back to my story, I put her down despite her protest and went ahead to prepare her meal and bath. About 30mins later when she was all comfy and well fed, I caught her dancing away happily to a tune on TV. I could not resist the urge to say I told you so. I said to her – feeling very proud of my superior mummy knowledge – you see mummy is always right!!!!!!!!!!, I knew what you needed.

I was only half way through the sentence when I heard in my spirit; “you know sometimes you act just the way she did today. You hold on to the present or to what you want instead of trusting God to give you what you need.
Unfortunately this is so true for many people, we can get so focused on what we think is the best for us, that we don’t hear our Father saying let it go. Based on our limited knowledge, we think this is the best that can happen to us. In doing this we sometimes block the opportunity for our true best.   

We should be able to hear when God is saying to us, child hold on, I have a better plan for you (Jer 29:11a). I am your Father, I know what you need. God our father is almighty, He sees the future, He knows the end from the beginning and He is the one who is saying to you – I know what you need, trust me. I am, working out everything for your good (Rom 8:28)

God knew us before we were born (Jer 1: 5). Do you know that nothing that ever happens is a surprise to Him? We need to trust Him to take care of our needs. Sometimes, we will feel the “discomfort” of God putting us down to prepare what is best for us, as long as we focus on him, we will soon realize that it was no discomfort at all and that His plans always makes the wait worth it (Eph 3:20).

As I was doing the final edits of this piece, I kept thinking of a dear sister who decided to make the tough choice of letting go and trusting God in the area of relationship. And in return God blessed her with what she needed. Her testimony is a source of inspiration to me every time I think about it. 

Remain blessed 


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