Where are the "GOOD NEIGHBORS"?

Where are the good neighbors? I was visiting my mum’s church last Sunday and was really touched by a story one of the ministers shared. I was touched on two fronts, first by what she did which left a warm feeling in my heart but this was quickly taken over by sadness of the reality of “ Who we have become ”. According to her, while on her way to church that morning, they had stopped at a traffic light and she was about 3 rd or 4 th car from the front. When the light turned green, they noticed the first car did not move, people honked and hooted yet the car did not move. The other car drivers started to maneuver their way around the first car and drove off. She did the same. When she got near the car she noticed the driver in the car had his head bowed down as do in deep sleep and she drove past. A few meters forward, she felt a nudge to go and check on the driver. She parked her car and walked back to confirm if the driver was OK. Apparently the man had some sort of ‘seizure’ a...