Who can you compare to our God?

Children are a heritage from the lord and the fruit of the womb his reward (Ps127: 3). I believe these words concerning the children God has blessed me with, for which my heart thank him daily. One of the joys of having them is how I have come to understand some biblical truth just from their childlike actions, truth I may never have fully understood beforehand. One of those truth is around Who can I compare with my God? I am sure there is no need to emphasis that as with most 5 year old girls, my daughter believes her dad is everything, almost placing him at a near super human status. There is really nothing new or surprising about that. What still gets to me sometimes is how she expresses or vocalizes this believe but then, I learn every day. For example, one day while we were having our usual mother-daughter chit chat, she told me, almost as thou a question, “my daddy is the strongest person so he is stronger than a lion”. (Sweetheart you know I believe you are the beste...