Does He still need to prove Himself?

The other day, I heard myself telling my daughter, ‘You see, Mummy actually knows how to get a few things done too. Infact, it might surprise you to know that at work there are people who look up to me for direction and coaching’. I doubt if this made any sense to her but I could not help but push back when for the uptempt time she had questioned my ability to do a simple handy task and suggested that it might be a good idea to wait for daddy. My h usband was away for a couple of weeks; and in this time, my daughter told me with the bluntness only a 4 year old can mutter, what she thought of my handy skills and apparently it wasn't much. It first started 3 days after her dad travelled, she came to tell me the clock in her room had stopped working, “It must be the batteries” I said, “I will buy new ones and replace it”. Her response was “Are you sure you know how to change the batteries? I think it will be a good idea if you wait for daddy”. WHAT!!! Can you imagine ...